How to Organize Effective Meetings

Have you ever been in meetings where they ran over time, members argued over ideas, and members didn’t implement ideas after a briefing? This will result in wasted time, irate members, and a meeting that did not achieve its planned purpose.

So how do you get the most from your meetings and team? Here are some steps:

  1.  Prepare and follow an agenda
    Each item should include specifics as to what will be discussed along with time frames and who will be needed for each part. This agenda should be distributed at least a day in advance. Everyone will have time to prepare and be on the same page prior to the meeting.

  2. Develop goals and norms for meeting participants
    Come up with a plan as to what the meeting is expected to accomplish.
  3. Start on time
    People are more likely to arrive on time when meetings start and end on time and cover scheduled topics efficiently.
  4. Manage meeting time by the clock
    When no one takes charge of managing time, the meeting can easily become unfocused and drags on. By following the agenda time frames, the meeting will be contained and specific to each point. If anyone raises an interesting point outside of the agenda, mention that you’ll send an email to discuss it at a later time.
  5. Separate arguments
    Schedule private meetings with members who are openly hostile toward one another or with the group.
  6. Ask questions
    Check for understanding, agreement, and clarity for all participants. See if they acknowledge and understood what was said by asking open-ended questions. All vague statements should be clarified.
  7. Take meeting minutes and distribute
    Distributing meeting minutes shortly after the meeting, members can easily refer to what occurred during the meeting, and those who missed the meeting are able to get an update as well. Also, members can easily review what happened at the last meeting prior to the next one.
  8. Follow up
    Acknowledge what went right and identify what went wrong. Ask participants after the meeting how it was perceived by them or how they can make it more successful. Follow up with all group members on a timely basis to see if everything discussed in the meeting is completed or on the right track.

By following these steps, you’re on your way to conducting a great productive team and meeting!

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